NEBOSH Exams - Essential Action Verbs

One of the most important tips that we could recommend for the NEBOSH Certificate is to learn the typical examination 'Action Verbs' which are as follows:

  • Define - provide a generally recognized or accepted definition 
  • Describe - give a word picture 
  • Explain - give a clear account of, or reasons for 
  • Give - provide without explanation (used normally with the instruction to 'give an example [or examples] of ...') 
  • Identify - select and name List - provide a list without explanation 
  • Outline - give the most important features of (less depth than either 'explain' or 'describe', but more depth than 'list') 
  • Sketch - provide a simple line drawing using labels to identify specific features 
  • State - a less demanding form of 'define', or where there is no generally recognised definition